Are You Ready To THRIVE with me!

Join me for my transformational live 12 week group program

✓ Open up to what’s possible

✓ Feel amazing in your body

✓ Gain confidence & clarity in all aspects of your life 

Connect with yourself & create a wellness centered self care practice that will bring you back home to you!

Registration is open!

12 Live calls with Allison - Aug 22nd - Nov 7th 2024!  

Get Access to the course as soon as you register.

Yes please! I'm ready

Are You Ready To THRIVE with me!

Join me for my transformational live 12 week group program

✓ Open up to what’s possible

✓  Feel amazing in your body

✓  Gain confidence & clarity in all aspects of your life


Discover Yourself & Reclaim Your Health

Registration is open!  Live Calls Aug 22nd - Nov 7th 2024 

Yes Please! I'm Ready!

Are you having a crisis of self?

The current rise in anxiety leaves us wondering how do we find stability in such a chaotic world.
We overcome this by connecting with our true sense of self.  With holistic health practices, by cultivating self worth and trust from the inside.

What many people don't realize is that stability can only be cultivated from the inside not from the outside.  

When you prioritize your own needs you learn to value them.  This allows you to validate yourself leaving you feeling more relaxed, calm and grounded in your life.

It's about you acknowledging what's real for you.  Your own personal experience!


Does This Sound Like You? 

Did you learn to put other people's needs before your own?   Were you told that self sacrifice and self compromise were noble acts?  Did you think that this was how you were supposed to do life? 

I can relate and so many of my students can too!

If this is you, you may be feeling burned out.  Like it's selfish to attend to your own needs or confused about where you stop and others begin.

You may find yourself  having no motivation to pursue your own desires in life because you've put your needs on the back burner for so long.

But let me reassure you: You, my dear friend, are meant to thrive.


It's About Connecting With Yourself. 

The key to your well-being is not outside you, but within you.

I’m here to help you connect with your authenticity and create your very own wellness practice that will bring you back home to yourself everyday.

How is  THRIVE different?

This program was inspired by my book, Finally Thriving.  I created it with the intention of giving you an experience and an opportunity to dive deeper into what you’d like your life to look and feel like.

A tool for personal transformation and true connection.

A sacred space where you can explore yourself with other open hearted people and step back into your natural state of thriving.

Thriving just means you are comfortable being you. You feel good in your body and you have the energy to attract and do what you love to do. You become a conscious creator of your life.

As opposed to surviving which means you are having a reactive relationship to your life and just doing what it takes to get by.  When we can flip the switch on our lives we begin to have more space for reflection and then we can relate proactively with our lives. We choose what we would like to experience and then we allow it!

Sign me up!


The THRIVE Method For 

Self Connection & Discovery





✓ Open up to unlimited possibilities and finally enjoy your life. 

âś“ Remove barriers of beliefs that hold you back.

✓ Focus your energy intentionally and allow what you want to see more of in your life.  




✓ Connect with your body and work with it instead of against it.

✓ Experience a sense of physical strength and stability. 

✓ Trust your body and it's innate natural intelligence.





âś“ Connect more deeply with your energy signature.

✓ Follow your own guidance, gain clarity and feel energetically stable.

✓ Connect with your inner truth & authenticity.




By the end you’ll have a wellness practice that works for you, meets all your needs and something you can joyfully stick to that will nourish your soul.


Count me in!

Is it possible to…

...turn overwhelm into clarity?

 ...turn anxiety into trust?

 ...turn fatigue into vitality? 

The answer is YES!

You can live in a world where you’re Finally Thriving™

I'm ready to Finally Thrive!

You too can THRIVE just like these beautiful spirits!

“I’m no longer overwhelmed by what it takes to be an entrepreneur and a mom.”

I learned how to honor my body for what it’s been through (after birthing two children) and nourish myself both in mind and spirit. Even better, I'm feeling more connected, calm and present with my kids and in my live than ever before.
-Nicole B.

PR + comms, writer, reader, runner, traveler, wife & mama 

"This class was extraordinary!" 

I came out with a fresh perspective on my life.  I couldn't go back to my old self sabotaging patterns of behavior even if I wanted to now.

I no longer feel the need to reach for snacks or old emotional coping mechanisms when I'm feeling stressed because I feel so comfortable in my own skin now.  

-Soumya P.

Addiction Specialist MD.

Wouldn't it be great if you could have...

✓ Creative time.  Time for yourself. To write that book, create that art piece or follow through with a workout routine that brings you joy.

✓ Peace and Serenity.  The space to celebrate your progress!  A sense of inner peace and gratitude for the goodness in your life.

✓ Moments for You. You had more energy to rise to the challenges in your life and more wisdom to face them with ease and grace.

✓ Trust In Yourself.  You could trust your higher self to lead you on your unique life path. Then you could follow through and honor that!

✓ Self Acceptance. You were able to unconditionally love & accept yourself and your body no matter where you are in your health journey. 

✓ A Foundation You Value.  Your daily habits now support your digestive system and improve your sleep long-term.  You feel more energetic and you're able to finally relax your body.

How Does it Work?

12 Live Calls with Allison

You'll join me and a lovely group live every week on Zoom for a different monthly theme.  We'll cover a specific topic within the mind, body, spirit teachings and you'll get support in applying these practices to your life.  Plus you'll get one private session with me.

Finally Thriving Course Curriculum

An enjoyable and easy to apply course that you can follow along with weekly.  Includes applicable weekly lessons that you can integrate right away.

Ongoing Support

Our weekly live coaching calls will give you an opportunity to be a part of a supportive community, held accountable, ask questions and acknowledge any challenges you may be having.

Private THRIVE Community

You’ll be a part of a loving and supportive private members only community platform that will hold a container for you to expand into your greatest potential.  

Count me in!

What’s Included?

  • 12 Weekly live group coaching calls with Allison
  • One private session with Allison
  • Nutritional Guide
  • Mobility Videos 
  • Guided Meditations
  • Lifetime Access to the Finally Thriving online course
  • Private Community
  • Kajabi app - so you can access your course from anywhere

Everything to support you In your integration process!  

Are you ready to take the next step;  finally start thriving and stop just surviving? Let's go!

Let's Do This!

Three monthly payments of


Flexible Payment Plan

  • 12 week FT online course
  • 1 - 1:1 session with Allison
  • Weekly live group coaching
  • Nutrition guide
  • Mobility videos
  • Guided meditations
  • Private community
  • Lifetime access to the curriculum 
Sign me up!

One payment of


Best Value

  • 12 week FT online course
  • 1 - 1:1 session with Allison
  • Weekly live group coaching
  • Nutrition guide
  • Mobility videos
  • Guided meditations
  • Private community
  • Lifetime access to the curriculum
Sign me up!
Set up a free call with Allison

"THRIVE has changed my life forever!" 

"I've been able to let go of toxic relationships that were holding me down.  Now I'm attracting customers and clients who truly align with my work and my values.  I'm selling so much art and I have an abundance of heart centered relationships."

- Charles F.

Art Gallery Owner


Hi I'm Allison!

Welcome!  I'm so happy you're here!

I know what it's like to abandon yourself in an effort to help other people.  I did it for years.  Even though I built a company teaching wellness that helped thousands of people heal holistically, I remember still not giving myself the time, interest and energy I needed to reflect on my own sense of self.

I was in a holding pattern.

I was putting what I learned about health into practice myself but as I started getting busier I was depleting any energy I needed to bring back and choose me.

I was hiding in busyness.  

I was depleted but I didn't know any other way to be.  I'd been busy all my life and I'd put my own needs on the back burner for so long I didn't know anything different.  

I struggled with this for years before I realized that I didn't have to live this way.  It wasn't until I learned how to nourish myself and devote precious time for me everyday that I began to thrive.  

I had to connect with myself...

I found so much power in validating my personal experience, process and expression.  It allowed me to accept myself which allowed me to be more authentic.

As I learned how to integrate my self care into a daily practice I noticed how powerful this really was.  It was me getting to know me.  I felt more present with myself and others.  More at peace and anxiety free. My body even felt better!

I'm inspired to share this with you through this program because it's not only helped me it's rippled out to serve so many others at a much higher level too. 

So yes, I've been where you are and I know exactly how you're feeling and what you are going through right now.  

I'm here to show you that you can do what you love, be there for yourself, serve others and THRIVE! 

Learn more about my book Finally Thriving at

Meet Your Coach

Hi I'm Allison!

I know what it's like to abandon yourself in an effort to help other people.  Even though I built a company teaching wellness and had helped thousands of people in the field of holistic healing for almost 20 years, I was still not giving myself the time, interest and energy I needed to reflect on my own dreams and to make them a reality.

Yes, I was doing the basics, eating well and exercising, putting what I learned as a holistic health professional into practice but in the process of helping other's with their health I was depleting any energy I needed to bring back to myself and choose me.

I'd put my own needs on the backburner in an effort to fit in and please others.  I struggled with this for years before I realized that I didn't have to live this way.  

It wasn't until I learned how to nourish myself and devote precious time for me everyday that I began to really thrive.  

So yes, I've been where you are so I know exactly how you're feeling and what you are going through right now.  I'm here to show you that you can do what you love, serve others and thrive.  

Learn more about my book Finally Thriving at

A Sneak Peek Inside:

Sign me up!

"My panic attacks are gone!"

"I'd been experiencing panic attacks after a major health crisis.  After  THRIVE I no longer have panic attacks and I trust my body more than ever.  

Allison's guidance combined with the support of the group was powerfully impactful and inspiring!  I have less anxiety now, I feel more creative and I've learned how play can open me up to so much potential."

 - Stacie W.

Mom and Teacher 

How do I know THRIVE is right for me?

âś“ You're ready to move past limiting beliefs and old stories and cultivate an authentic relationship with yourself & others.

✓ You’re ready to prioritize yourself and your own needs now.

✓ You're willing to step into the unknown world of self discovery with curiosity and courage.

✓ You are willing to connect deeply with yourself. 

✓ You’re ready to have more energy and less aches and pains.

This is for YOU if...

You are willing to take full responsibility for your own self care.

Let's THRIVE Together!

Three monthly payments of


Flexible Payment Plan

  • 12 week FT online course
  • 1- 1:1 session with Allison
  • Weekly live group coaching
  • Nutrition guide
  • Movement videos
  • Guided meditations
  • Private community
  • Lifetime access to the curriculum
Sign me up!

One payment of


Best Value

  • 12 week FT online course
  • 1 - 1:1 session with Allison 
  • Weekly live group coaching
  • Nutrition guide
  • Movement videos
  • Guided meditations
  • Private community
  • Lifetime access to the curriculum
Sign me up!
Set up a free call with Allison

Frequently Asked Questions

Set up a free call with Allison

This is an opportunity for you to ask Allison questions about the program and personally consult with Allison to determine if Thrive is right for you.  

Set up your free call here!